Sunday, September 20, 2009

EAL Week 3

Important dates
Let's discuss Our Class Tuesday September 22/Wednesday September 23 I am looking forward to meeting you all at these meetings.

Thursday 22 October International Afternoon Parents please join us from 3.30pm until 6.30pm
(Meeting for those interested in participating this Thursday 24 September- in the Junior library. Please see letter sent out on Friday 18)

NB. The Welcome Barbeque in the diaries for the 26 September has been postponed until a later date. New date to be announced shortly.

Please see letter sent home concerning collection for "Banco Alimentar" (link YR 3 unit) We would be grateful for your contributions. eg flour, rice, pasta etc. please send them to your child's classroom.

Please be aware that learning a new language is very tiring and your child needs adequate rest and sleep to cope with the demands of the school day. If your child is overtired, it makes it very difficult for him/ her to cope. Some of the children have been very tired this week especially at the end of the day.

This week in the EAL classroom:

Each week we have some time dedicated to revisíng vocabulary and expressions of the week before. Children learn at different paces and some children will take longer and need more repetition than others. Please check your child's folder each evening to see if there are any vocabulary sheets to revise for the following day.

The children need to read each evening with an adult looking at the pictures, words and discussing new vocabulary. Please do not worry if your child does not understand every single word in the reading. The purpose of the books are to stimulate enjoyment of learning a new language and understanding most of the language used.

We will be revising body part vocabulary and making cardboard puppets.
We will also be learning how to express ourselves when we don't feel well eg. I have a headache, stomach ache etc.

We will be looking at clothes vocabulary and having fun deciding what clothes to take on different types of holidays.

Question asking is always adifficult in a new language and we will be devoting time to asking lots of questions this week.

We will be splitting into two groups this week and after checking the children's abilty to say and recognise numbers in the thousands, we will concentrate on place value and it's importance in understanding the arrangement of numbers.

Yrs 3 and 4 will be looking at numbers up to 9 999 and Yrs 5 and 6 at numbers up to 99 999

We wil look at times tables Yrs 3 and 4 2x, 3x, 4x
Yrs 5 and 6 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x

We will look at the inversion of times sums eg 4x3 being the same as 3x4

It's going to be a busy week that's for sure!

Please keep supporting your child and give them as much encouragement as possible.
They really deserve your approval at the moment. It's rather tough going for them in these early stages.
Thank you.