Monday, September 7, 2009

School Year 2009-2010

This year will be a great adventure for the EAl students at St, Dominic’s. The adventure starts in the EAL classroom. Find us on your left as you walk along the corridor leading to Reception.
There you will find Mrs. Bradford and her assistant Erica with our new non English speakers.
We will be looking after your children as they adjust to a new school and a new language.
We hope to provide a nurturing environment where they will feel secure and grow in confidence as they gradually acquire English.
They will be with us each day from after registration until the end of period 6. For the last two periods of the day they will return to their regular class.
For P.E and Art the children will also join their regular classes. Please check by looking in the diary which days are P.E. days for your child.
He /she will need to have their P.E. uniform on these days.
If the P.E. lessons are in the morning please ensure that your child comes to school in P.E uniform. They need to bring their school uniform (including school shoes) with them in order to change at lunch-time.
If the P.E lessons are in the afternoon, they need to bring the P.E uniform in a bag to school and change into it at lunchtime. Their school uniform needs to go home with them at the end of the day.
In the EAL classes this week we will be getting to know one another and settling into the school environment. The children will learn:
* How to introduce themselves to their peers and to teachers
* How to tell their age and birth date
* Basic numbers and colours
* The days of the week and months of the year
* The vocabulary of classroom objects
* How to express basic needs
* Learn their way around school
* Start to learn who’s who in the school community
Starting a new school without the ability to understand and speak the language of the school community is a challenging experience.
We hope we will be able to help your child cope well with this “adventure.”
Your child will shortly be bringing home flashcards to help them with new vocabulary. Please give them all the support you can to help them with this.
English books will be brought home each evening along with a reading card for you to sign.
Please help them enjoy their new reading material by looking at the pictures together even if some of the language is difficult at this stage.

NB Please remember that the weather is still very hot and it helps if the children have a bottle of water with them at school which they can refill throughout the day. (clearly labelled with their name)