Sunday, November 22, 2009

EAL Week 11

Monday November 23
The weeks are going by very quickly to the end of the first term. This is a busy time, but an enjoyable one. We have four weeks to go and two of them will be four day weeks as we have the two National holidays on the 1 and 8 of December. So........ no time to waste!

The children are looking forward to the Cross Country running competition which will be held this week. They have beeen practising hard in their PE lessons during the past few weeks.

Important Dates
Tuesday December 1 National holiday (Restauraçáo da Indepêndencia - Political)
Saturday December 5 St. Dominic's Christmas Fair. 12.30pm until 4pm
Tuesday December 8 National holiday (Imaculada Conceiçáo- Religious)
Wednesday December 16 Celebrations Around The World Concert.
Term 1 finishes December 18 at 12pm.

This week in the EAL classroom

We will link with our previous week's theme of inside and outside our homes to learn the vocabulary for what we put inside them to make our lives comfortable eg furniture and electrical appliances.

The children will produce "bird's eye view" plans of their "Dream Homes."They will choose the furniture and decide where it is to be placed. We may just have some budding architects and interior designers in our midst!

There will be two vocabulary tests this week - on Thursday for the vocabulary of inside and outside the house and one on Friday for the vocabulary learnt this week on what we put inside. (Last week we had no EAL on Thursday or Friday as the children spent these two days in their mainstream class. ) Mrs Bradford was needed to look after other classes in the Junior school as we had a lot of absenteeism due to the Sport's Tournament and sickness amongst staff.)

Present Tense We will revisit the present tense and write a paragraph "All About Me" We will also write about a cartoon character to enable us to write in the third person with the added s on the end of the verb. eg He lives ............

Past Tense
The children will relate simple stories using a picture story sequence. They will then ask each other questions about the story to encourage "question asking" in the past tense.

Using worksheet with pictures of a kitchen, children will instruct one another where to place the objects. This is a pair work exercise where two children have corresponding worksheets and work back to back.

Years 3, 4 and 5 will continue with data handling. They will make one bar graph from given data and another from collected data. Year 6 will continue with work on Scale. Both groups will revise maths vocabulary associated with times tables.

  • We will be looking at the work samples we have done so far and deciding what to put inside our portfolios. We hope to show a progression of our work in EAL, demonstrating the development of our English language skills.

  • We will be learning a Christmas poem to recite in our slot for the Celebrations Around The World Concert coming up on December 16. Look out for "Christmas is coming and the ........