Monday, March 8, 2010

EAL Term 2 Week 9

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students ,

Hello! Welcome to the St. Dominics’s EAL blog page. We hope you were able to go out and enjoy the beautiful Spring-like weather this past weekend.

Important Dates:

Wednesday, March 10

Year 6 students will be holding Exhibition of their projects. The EAL students have worked very hard as part of their class groups and have produced some wonderful work which showcases their learning and their progress in English during their time in the Junior School. Please come by from 4pm until 6pm to see their work displayed in the Year 6 classrooms.

Wednesday, March 24 Three Way Conference

These conferences provide the opportunity for your child to demonstrate to you, using examples of their work, the progress they have made this term. The conferences involve the student, parents and teacher. Your child should have given you a form to complete to indicate what time during that day you would like to attend the conference. Please make sure this is returned to school as soon as possible. There will be no regular classes that day and your child will only be at school for the appointment and must leave school at the conclusion of the meeting.

This week in the EAL classroom we will be learning:
Beginner Group
The beginner group will continue to work on past tense with regular verbs and forming questions. Some examples include “Did you buy an ice cream?” “Yes, I bought an ice cream.” They will also work on the future tense using “going to” and “will”.
Examples include:
a) She is going to help him with his homework.
b) He will do all of his homework before football practice.
c) She will practice her piano before going to the cinema.

Intermediate Group
The Intermediate Group wil review present perfect tense (ex. I have lived in Cascais for 2 years) and will begin Conditionals (ex. If I earn enough money, I will go to the cinema. If I fall in the river, then I will get wet.) They will also work on reading and answering comprehension questions.