Sunday, November 29, 2009

EAL Week 12

Monday 30 November 2009

A short week this week. We are very busy at school, fitting as much as we can into each day.

The children need to find time this week at home to revise vocabulary lists, look at how we use the present simple and revise the past tense verbs they know. On Monday December 7 we will have a revision test for them to try. There is no need for them to worry about the test. It is just a way of assimilating their learning over the past three months. Parents please ensure that they do not become unecessarily anxious about the test. We will be speaking to them about it on Monday 30.

We will also be practising for our part in the "Celebrations Around The World Concert" Our contribution will be a short dramatisation of the Christmas poem "Christmas is coming.........

Important DatesTuesday December 1 National holiday (Restauraçáo da Indepêndencia - Political)

Saturday December 5 St. Dominic's Christmas Fair. 12.30pm until 4pm

Tuesday December 8 National holiday (Imaculada Conceiçáo- Religious)

Wednesday December 16 Celebrations Around The World Concert 2pm until 3pm

Term 1 finishes December 18 at 12pm. (Please note early finish)

This week in the EAL classroom


We will be having some fun looking at vocabulary associated with the Christmas season.

We will use this vacabulary to talk in the present simple about how we usually celebrate Christmas and also use the past tense to talk about how we celebrated it last year.

We wil focus on question asking in both tenses. If time allows we will introduce the "going to" form of the future.

Prepositions require a lot of practice in English. We will continue with these small words which can be very confusing for an English language learner.

Towards the end of the week we will begin to use the language of craft making as we begin our Christmas gift to take home to our family.


Yrs 3, 4 and 5 will be collecting data this week to construct their own bar graphs. They should by now be familiar with the following language: axis (plural axes), data, tally marks, bar graph or chart. We will also be doing some timetable revision.

Yr 6 have been demonsrating their ability to work on some quite difficult exercises involving scale. . The last exercises linked to our work on house plans and was particularly well executed. We will now look again at area; this time focusing on how we calculate the area of right angle triangles, moving onto the area of composite shapes.

We still haven't managed to find time to attend to our portfolios. This week and next this is a must!