Sunday, December 6, 2009

EAL WeeK 13

Monday December 7
Another short week as we move closer towards the end of the first term. Children's concentration is starting to falter as we get closer to Christmas! However they will be thinking about their test this week which we will have on Monday 7. As stated on last week's blog, we do not want the children to become anxious about the test, but we do want them to read through everything in their books which we have studied since the beginning of the term as a review of all we have covered.

We will carry on with practising our contribution to "Celebrations Around The World. " We need to have all the costumes ready by the end of this week. If anyone has a fake grey beard, please let me know as soon as possible as we need one for the "old man" in the poem.

Important Dates:
Tuesday December 8 National holiday (Immaculada Conceção)
Play "Cabaret" from Senior school to be performed evenings of 10,11 and 12 December. Tickets available from school.
Wednesday December 16 "Celebrations Around The World" concert. 2.00pm -3.00pm
Term finishes Friday December 18 at noon.

This week in the EAL classroom:
We will do our test on Monday 7
We will be revisiting the following during this week:
Forming past tense questions with "did."(including the "W" questions.)
Answering in the negative ------ No I didn't..........
Coparatives and superlatives.

We will be preparing for our trip to Pavilhão do Conhecimento Ciência Viva to see the exhibition "Viver No Limits." This exhibition is about living in extreme conditions of cold, heat and aridity. It really is well worth a visit. We have been looking for a suitable place for a while to take our EAL group. We were looking for something which was suitable for all age ranges from eight through to twelve. Please see the yellow letter re the trip which was sent home last week.

While talking about our visit we will take the opportunity to introduce the "going to" form of the future as definite future.

Christmas Craft
Children will decide this week whether to make a Christmas card or wreath to take home at the end of them.

Yrs 3,4 and 5 will finish their work on constructing a bar graph.
They will then move onto work on "Time." First of all we will find out how much the children know about the language of time the language of Time. ie digital, clockface, hands of the clock, digital, analogue etc.

Yr 6 will continue with work on finding out areas of composite shapes, moving onto areas of circles towards the end of the week.