Sunday, November 1, 2009

EAL Week 8

Monday November 2 2009

We hope you are all feeling refreshed after the week's break. Although it feels like summer, according to the calendar we are now in autumn and I keep having to remind myself of the time of year. We are in the month of November have some busy weeks ahead leading up to the end of the first term.

Important Dates
Tuesday November10 We are celebrating "Dia de São Martinho" a day early here at school. Look out for further information on hot chestnuts being sold here at school!

Tuesday December 1 National holiday (Restauração da Indepêndencia - Political)
Tuesday December 8 National holiday (Imaculada Conceição - Religious)
Term 1 finishes on Friday 18 December 18 at 12pm

Every Monday the children receive vocabulary to learn for a test on the Friday.

This week in the EAL classroom

Vocabulary on Occupations. We will be linking this to our Who is Who Gallery of people who work at St.Dominic's.

Grammar link - The difference between the use of who and which, eg, A nurse is a person who works in a hospital / a fire hose is something which is used by a fireman.

Past Tense
Many verbs in English have irregular past tenses ie they do not end in "ed"
This week we begin by learning about six of these verbs. (see Grammar section of the blog)

Review of comparative and superlative eg big/bigger than/ the biggest // more comfortable than / the most comfortable

Possesive Pronouns
my/your/his/her etc

Year 6 will be concentrating on using the four different operations +,--,x, divide. They will also be looking at word sums which require understanding of these operations but have language involved which also requires understanding.
Year 6 and 5, 4 and 3 will be looking at the language involved in measuring length , perimeter and area.