Sunday, November 8, 2009

EAL Week 9

Monday November 9

It looks as if we have gone into autumn and mornings and evenings are a little chilly. Please make sure your children have their jumpers and fleeces with them as the temperatures lower.

Important Dates
Please remind your child that he/she needs to bring 2 euros to buy the chestnuts which will be sold here at school on Tuesday 10 November. We are a little ahead as S. Martinhou is celebrated here in Portugal on the 11.

Tuesday December 1 National holiday (Restauração da Indepêndencia - Political)Tuesday December 8 National holiday (Imaculada Conceição - Religious)Term 1 finishes on Friday 18 December 18 at 12pm


The vocabulary this week will be focused on food. We will be learning the names of foods children generally enjoy , with the addition of a few healthy fruit and vegetables. There will be 26 words to learn this week for the test on Friday 13

This week in the EAL classroom.

Vocabulary -As well as learning the names of foods, the children will be learning the names of mealtimes and planning a day's menu. They will plan one menu for a healthy eater and one for a non healthy eater.

Past Tense - Irregular verbs end in "ed" but have three different forms of pronounciation. "d", "id" and "t". Children will play a "How well did you hear" game to help them get used to these different endings. Many verbs in English have irregular past tenses ie they do not end in "ed"This week we begin by learning about six of these verbs. (see Grammar section of the blog)
(We were unable to begin this week last week.)

Review of comparative and superlative eg big/bigger than/ the biggest // more comfortable than / the most comfortable. Link to food preferences tasty / tastier than / the tastiest- good / better than / the best- healthy / healthier than / the healthiest.


This week we will start to look at classroom rules. We will try to understand what they mean and rewrite them inn a simpler way. (linking to IB profiles and attitudes)


Year 6 will finish off their work on perimeter and area and begin work on scale which links to work being done in the Year 6 classroom.

Years 5, 4 and 3 will do consolidation work on vocabulary associated with length and perimeter. They will start to try to use worksheets working out simple instructions with support where necessary.